Law_of_Introduction_West_Week Day 4

Our true relatives are not necessarily those who are connected to us by ties of blood.  Our truest relatives are those who are nearest akin to us in mind, in soul, in spirit.

Ralph W. Trine

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Daily Guidance:

Today we'll take a look at the animal kingdom and how the Wheel is used to organize this layer of wisdom.

Cynthia's Journal:

Many of us have pets and great affinity for particular animals.  The creatures are yet another layer of wisdom on the Wheel.  Because each region has different animals, the animal Wheels vary widely.  There are no monkeys on the Wheels of North America for instance, but they’re featured on Chinese Birth Wheels.  Do you know your Chinese birth sign animal?  Do you have a spirit name related to your ‘medicine’ animal?

Here are some of the most common animals featured on Native American medicine wheels:

Eagle/falcon in the East

Mouse/deer or wolf in the South

Bear/raven in the West

Buffalo/snowy owl in the North

Those who have a special ‘medicine’ animal they work with, like wolf, snake or bear, often have a Wheel with the same animal (of different colors/properties) in each Direction;

The East Wolf

The South Wolf

The West Wolf

The North Wolf

Jamie Sams, author the Medicine Cards, has one of the most widely known systems for organizing wildlife on the Wheel. 

There are Wheels fashioned to represent a single species, such as the Bird Tribe, also known as the winged ones. And medicine wheels made of feathers. Each Direction on a Bird Wheel has a designated guardian. 

Likewise for plants, and their medicines, and the trees, whose wisdom is also portioned out on separate Wheels to be studied and committed to memory so their interactions can be respected in their daily use.  Some things shouldn’t be mixed.  Some medicines are stronger when picked before, during or after the flowering stage.  Each plant to be studied should be put on its own wheel so its life cycle can be completely understood. 

The Grandmother and Grandfather stones have their own Wheels too, where all the different mineral properties and compositions are organized.  The stones are the bones of the Earth.  They are the oldest beings.  They have seen everything.  Traditionally they are from the West side of the Wheel because they represent the body of Mother Earth.  Making a Wheel of stones is a way to honor the Mother Earth and learn more about Her teachings.  Many people have a birth stone.  Do you know yours?