Welcome to the Wisdom Wheel Law of Sacred-Oneness # 35

It takes a lot of energy to be aloof. It is not our real nature.  Our unity is obvious, but many fear it nonetheless. The very air we breathe has passed through 1,000 sets of lungs before it comes our way.

Excerpted from the Wisdom Wheel Sacred-Oneness card

Your Study Schedule for This Law

Full moon Tue January 22 2008 begin Week One – East quadrant – Mental, intellectual aspects
Last quarter Wed January 30 2008 begin Week Two – South quadrant – Emotional aspects

New moon Thu February 07 2008 begin Week Three – West quadrant – Physical and intuitive aspects

First quarter Thu February 14 2008 begin Week Four – North quadrant – Spiritual aspects

Next full moon Thu February 21 2008 begin next Law of Great-Mystery
Introduction to the Law of Sacred-Oneness

Welcome to Sacred Oneness, Law # 35. This is the next-to-last Law on the Wisdom Wheel. It is the second stepping stone of the Northern Direction, and belongs under the Law of Integrity on the spirit side of the Wheel. Sacred Oneness is balanced by the Law of Immortality in the South. This pairing suggests that an eternity of incarnations might be what we need before we experience and understand the wisdom of Sacred Oneness.

This Law has many other names, including All That Is and the Law of Unity. (see books like Laws of the Spirit by Dan Millman and Spiritual Rx by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat .

The Power of this Law is expressed by Native Americans, who say in ceremony, We Are All Related (this translates as Omsignogama in MicMac and Mitakyasin in Lakota). Sacred Oneness reminds us there is no separation at the level of spirit despite all the attempts human beings make to separate themselves physically, emotionally and intellectually.  

Sacred Oneness is about Integrity of Self, and the acceptance of each others sacredness. Sacred Oneness encourages our personal efforts to integrate our hearts and spirits, minds and bodies. The additional work, of integration in our communities and the world at large, would be impossible without the energies of this Law.

Sacred Oneness is my favorite Law. I have more quotations about it in my collection than any other Law on the Wheel. Our Oneness appears in many guises, especially in this era of globalization. That concept serves as a prime example of the mental, political and economic aspects of Scared Oneness.

We have a long way to go before we exhaust the wisdom of this Law. Although we live increasingly interdependent lives on this good Earth, we have not met the challenges of our global problems. Take the global oxygen supply, for example. All of us must rely upon the same wind and air, yet we threatened our own lives by continuing to pollute the atmosphere. The very weather conditions necessary for our survival are being adversely affected by greenhouse gases. We can no longer ignore global warming and climate changes brought on by our activities.

Global poverty and disease also show us we are not immune to each other. The plight of one puts us all at risk. Instead of denial, fear and ignorance, we need to embrace our Sacred Oneness, and improve our abilities to co-exist and collaborate. Otherwise these challenges will defeat us. What threatens us can not be tackled without cooperation on a massive scale. Sacred Oneness tests us daily. Either we build a thriving Golden Age on Earth, or all will suffer the consequences of a far darker alternative. 

Facing the intellectual aspects of Sacred Oneness can be emotionally painful. Take global health statistics for instance. To know one million people commit suicide each year in this world or that 45,000 children die each day from preventable causes is hard to accept, in these times when we can do better, if we care. (see annual publications like World Health Report  

This month as you study the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of Sacred Oneness, remember what the Circle and this Wheel represent. They symbolize the Earth as a whole, and the Universe we are part of. Expand your context! See your life from a global perspective as well as your local point of view.

The concept of Oneness has an interesting history. In this month’s entries you will see how it slowly surfaced and unfolded in the hearts and minds of people all over the world during centuries past and in the present. What is the future of Sacred Oneness and its Teachers?  

Look for evidence of this Law in your culture. During my lifetime I have seen human thinking shift from a primarily international mind-set to a genuinely global consciousness. This Process continues to accelerate amongst the younger generation. And the switch from an ‘us’ versus ‘them’ attitude, to a preference for the ‘we’ view, also represents a huge step forward in our understanding of Sacred Oneness.

The now popular image, of the Earth seen from space, helped to inspire an explosion in global consciousness. We ought to thank every explorer who helped to map the physical Earth, the solar system and the starry skies for it is more obvious than ever that we all share the same planet, and its’ fate.

Despite the immense value of outer Journeys, Sacred Oneness has also been explored via our innermost Journeys too. Mystical experiences, dreams and shamanic travels have shaped our common sense of Sacred Oneness. They has generated new words to describe our global, spiritual reality. Terms like the Over Soul, popularized by Emerson in 1841, and the Akashic Records (where the life stories of each soul are said to be stored) described by Edgar Casey in the 1920s have fired our imaginations. Today we have the increasingly popular field of Integral Studies, thanks to these pioneers of inner space. (see Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything by Ervin Laszlo)

Sacred Oneness asks us if we are ready to embrace and include everyone; the angry, the resigned, the happy, the homeless, the terrorist and the hopeless. Our work with this Law will never be finished. At least you have joined the struggle. The work of CircleKeepers and the Keepers of these Laws honors the truths of Sacred Oneness.  You have achieved a great deal in the last three years. If the Wisdom Wheel was merely a picture in a book, and not a way you have lived, what good would it do? There is no substitute for first hand experience with these Laws. 

We are like islands in the sea, wrote the philosopher William James, separate on the surface but connected in the deep. Maybe there is nothing but Sacred Oneness; the One Heart, One Song, One Spirit.             

May you remain connected to the wisdom of the Wheel and to all the other good things.

Many Blessings, Malcolm and Cynthia Davidson

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