Welcome to the Wisdom Wheel Law of Pure-Potential # 31

Chaos is… all possibilities existing simultaneously. Are you ready to let go, and descend into chaos, and ’not knowing’ long enough for new possibilities to emerge?

Excerpted from the Wisdom Wheel Pure-Potential card

Your Study Schedule for This Law

Full moon Wed September 26 2007 begin Week One – East quadrant – Mental, intellectual aspects
Last quarter Wed October 03 2007 begin Week Two – South quadrant – Emotional aspects

New moon Thu October 11 2007 begin Week Three – West quadrant – Physical and intuitive aspects

First quarter Fri October 19 2007 begin Week Four – North quadrant – Spiritual aspects

Next full moon Fri October 26 2007 begin next Law of Power
Introduction to the Law of Pure-Potential

Welcome to the 31st Law of Pure Potential. As you take up this Law reflect for a moment on the last Law you studied, Ultimate Reality. How are these related? If you had no sense of Ultimate Reality, how could you appreciate your own Pure Potential, or anyone else’s?

While in human form our perceptions will always be flawed and limited. Our vulnerable bodies, our distracting senses and our tendency to use only ten percent of our available brainpower make it difficult for us to perceive Potential or Reality. Yet our spirits can transcend all these obstacles. At the spirit level there is nothing but Pure Potential.

As Jacquelyn Small says, We are not human beings trying to be spiritual. We are spiritual beings trying to be human. Remember this when you face your next difficulty.

Our emotional, intellectual and physical capabilities will lag behind our spiritual abilities but we can make sacred space for Pure Potential and the Ultimate Reality it is most at home in.

We must accept our humanness without losing sight of our spiritual boundlessness. This is one of our Balance challenges. While some resign themselves to the woes of war and injustice, others will seek a spiritual solution, some energetic alternative to despair.

It is a cop-out to blame ‘human nature,’ and do nothing. Many things can be changed if we are open to the Pure Potential of spirit and energy. For one thing, we can change the way we apply our energies. We have the Pure Potential to Love and cherish for instance instead of resorting to more violence and destruction.

For example, just one generation ago, our parents read stories about heroes who killed whales. Today’s heroes and heroines are saving whales. Think about how this kind of change happened.

The Pure Potential for positive change is always there, energetically. Unfortunately we tend to perceive the negative aspects more clearly because we’ve been conditioned to fear. Every day there are more examples of individuals and groups harnessing the energy of Pure Potential, with discipline and persistence.

What we need is to be taught how Pure Potential becomes Reality. We hear people say, You can be anything you want! yet so many get stuck at the stage of thinking/dreaming without being able to do any more. What are the next steps? Put any Pure Potential idea on the Wheel, and marshal the discipline and dedication necessary to complete the work. Carry the Potential thought all the way around the Wheel. By now you are familiar with that Process:

1. The idea takes hold mentally, in the East

2. Then it is held in the heart, in the South

3. You embody it intuitively and physically, in the West

4. Then spirit will guide it further, from the North.

Of course, you can begin with asking spirit to guide you from the beginning, rather than taking an ego based idea to spirit. Look at the Potential the Wheel represents in your life. Have you applied it diligently? Half-heartedly? Not at all yet? Consider what it blocking you from making the necessary changes. Envision the Power of Pure Potential tonight when you go to sleep and dream.

Ten years ago I could have ignored the Pure Potential of the Wisdom Wheel. Let me imagine how things would be now, if I had not obeyed its inspiration. There would be no words carved upon sets of stones. No study circles would exist, nor would there be any graduates of three year classes teaching others. No website would have come into being, no daily email service would exist… There are so many people I never would have met. 

In the time it takes to read this letter, Pure Potential will have inspired more than 100 people. What percentage of them will take action upon those bright ideas and inner urgings? Who will teach them how? Imagine what a difference it would make if just ten percent of them had the Wisdom Wheel to help them bring their ideas to fruition.

The Law of Creativity in the East acts as the balancer for Pure Potential in the West on the Wheel. Pure Potential belongs under Higher Purpose, the Law which anchors the Western Direction. None of us can achieve our Pure Potential without a guiding sense of Higher Purpose.

For these next three months, you will be in the West, studying its stepping stones. Take the necessary time to think about your Higher Purpose, and the things represented in this quadrant. Power is next months’ Law. Real Power is available to us when we embody the possibilities presented by Pure Potential. Compassion is the third Law in the West, because it would be dangerous to have all that Power without it.

As you begin to study these three Laws, reflect on your beliefs about what is possible and what seems impossible. What has prevented your Pure Potential from fully unfolding? Ignorance, dysfunctional beliefs and corrupt systems are part of what stand in the way, but they can be overcome by those who are not afraid to do their own work.

Go deeper into the Wheel this month. Learn more about all its ‘medicines’ and how they relate to you at this time in your life. In the West are the healers and healings, dreams and intuitions, Death & Rebirth, feminine energies, Bear and Raven, Autumn and dusk to name a few.  How might your incorporate the Pure Potentials of these things?   

Medicine is anything which helps you achieve a greater connection and alignment with Spirit and the world around you.  When this occurs, your body as well as your emotions, mind and spirit are healed.  Medicine is anything that allows you to step into your personal strength and power… from Denise Linn’s book Sacred Space.                            

Start with making sacred space for resting, studying and integrating these things. We feel most alive when we are in sacred space and time. Timelessness and the boundlessness of energy and ideas can be experienced here where we transcend the mundane world.  From the realm of Pure Potential and Ultimate Reality, we can envision the things that will improve our lives in mundane reality. This is how we become medicine people, bringing into being what the world needs, from us.

Spirit is always nudging us towards evolution, and the higher aspects of life. Imagine having a bird’s eye view of Pure Potential and a far-sighted appreciation of Ultimate Reality. As you work with the Wheel and your own medicines, ask for Divine Guidance and Direction. This will help you do your best to support and nurture the Power of Pure Potential in others as well.  

Two and a half years ago, did you believe you could keep a three year Commitment like this? Look at what you have already achieved, and how you have done it. Slowly, steadily, in a daily way, the differences will add up. Working with the Wheel is all about alignment, energy and Direction. This is how we make conscious, sustainable changes that a fully informed and genuinely positive in all areas of our lives.

We are all medicine people. This is what my teachers’ teacher Evelyn Eaton taught. Each of us comes bearing different gifts that needed to be developed and offered. If you would like to see how Evelyn’s personal Potential evolved over the years, you can read her book The Shaman and the Medicine Wheel . Thanks to her wise efforts, the work of the Wheels is still unfolding as we each do our parts to share these ways.

Many blessings, Malcolm & Cynthia Davidson

P.S. Map a big change in your life by putting it on the Wheel. How many turns (revolutions) did it take to achieve your Pure Potential?

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