Welcome to the Wisdom Wheel Law of Choices # 20

Most of us make Choices from a range that’s far too small, that diminishes us.  We let fear, confusion and other people’s opinions limit us.  How do we discover and consider our Choices before we make them?

Excerpted from the Wisdom Wheel Choices card

Your Study Schedule for This Law

Full moon Sun November 05 2006 begin Week One – East quadrant – Mental, intellectual aspects
Last quarter Sun November 12 2006 begin Week Two – South quadrant – Emotional aspects

New moon Mon November 20 2006 begin Week Three – West quadrant – Physical and intuitive aspects

First quarter Tue November 28 2006 begin Week Four – North quadrant – Spiritual aspects

Next full moon Tue December 05 2006 begin next Law of Renewal
Introduction to the Law of Choices

Welcome to the 20th Law of Choices. Take a moment to imagine how many Choices you will make this week, this month, this year and over an entire lifetime. How can you choose wisely? The Wheel can guide you and help you to remember to incorporate all aspects of your Choices and to anticipate the predictable passages. 

While carrying the Law of Choices, consider what you’re doing with the Wheel and make some new Choices. Use it more often to get the most out of it.

By taking your Choices to the Wheel, you can make better decisions. Apply the structured framework to analyze your Choices. What went into the decision Process when you chose your work, or where you live? You can apply the Wheel in retrospect to prevent making mistakes in the future, or to preserve your Awareness about what suits you best.

When you choose consciously, every aspect is included, when all parts are in alignment around your Choices, it like balancing the four tires of your car before taking a trip. You drive through life with less effort and greater safety.

Practice applying the Wheel to your Choices this month while you study this Law. Approach the mental aspects of your Choices by using ‘brainstorming’ for instance. Jot down all the ideas that occur to you as you focus on an option, and see what else pops up. Mind-mapping is another technique which can reveal how your intellect works when processing Choices. (See The Mind Map Book: How to Use Radiant Thinking to Maximize Your Brain's Untapped Potential by Tony Buzan)

Consult your heart as you incorporate the things of the Southern quadrant, and the intuition and bodily senses of the West Direction, and so on. Include the spiritual aspects of your Choices, and seek guidance from the North, and you will be happier with your Choices in the long run.

You live under this Law at ages 19, 46, 73 and 100, while passing through the Northwest quadrant, The Place of Affirmation on the Wheel. This choice-point lays between the energy of Healers in the West and Visionaries in the North, a place where Higher Purposes must be resolved with Integrity, where physical aspects combine with spiritual aspects.

Choices is the Birth Law of all those born between November 20th and December 21st, under the Sagittarius constellation on the starry Sky Wheel. Ideally we consciously generate our Choices before we arrive at the next Law where our vows and promises give us Renewal.

A veritable smorgasbord of possibilities, options and alternatives exist in the world around you. By using the Wheel, you can rank and sort them. By running potential Choices through all the quadrants, you’ll make wiser Choices. We can’t do every thing, so we must choose wisely. Ultimately, you will have to choose whether your life will be Spirit-lead or self-propelled. The best Choices involve a combination of choosing and being chosen, Right Action and Higher Purpose.

For homework this month, reflect on Choices you’ve made; the good, the bad and the ugly ones. Remember to re-examine emotional, heart-felt Choices as compared to more calculated rational ones, when you allowed your head to rule. Choices made primarily by the senses and the body can be shed light on those made from a more spiritual sense of Choices, and so on.

Notice which Law balances Choices, the Law of the Eternal Present. It’s crucial to be in the ‘now’ when considering your Choices. Don’t be burdened by the past or fearful of the future when you choose.

Consider the quadrants;   

East - How does your Mind generate Choices?

South - Do you Love or fear making Choices?

West: - Is your Body wisdom included (expanded or contracted feelings) about Choices?

North - How does Spirit communicate with you about your Choices?

Communicate with us about your Choices if you have the time to share what you’re learning.      

Many blessings, Malcolm & Cynthia Davidson

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