Welcome to the Wisdom Wheel Law of Shadow # 16

Welcome to the Wisdom Wheel Law of Shadow # 16

All the shame, guilt and repressed parts we hide, even from ourselves.  These unconscious aspects will sabotage our best efforts in life unless we learn to accept them.

Excerpted from the Wisdom Wheel Shadow card

Your Study Schedule for This Law

Full moon Tue July 11 2006 begin Week One – East quadrant – Mental, intellectual aspects
Last quarter Mon July 17 2006 begin Week Two – South quadrant – Emotional aspects

New moon Tue July 25 2006 begin Week Three – West quadrant – Physical and intuitive aspects

First quarter Wed August 02 2006 begin Week Four – North quadrant – Spiritual aspects

Next full moon Wed August 09 2006 begin next Law of Journey
Introduction to the Law of Shadow

Welcome to the Law of the Shadow, number 16 on the Wisdom Wheel. This Law sits next to Trust, the anchoring Law of the South Direction, in the place where the heart and the emotions are represented. Trust and the Shadow have a deep and abiding relationship. One of the things we learn in life, when giving our Trust, is how badly we can be hurt when someone betrays us. Quite often the Shadow is at the bottom of the problem when these things happen.

When our Shadow remains unexamined, it is almost inevitable that we will be hurt over and over again without knowing why. Before placing our Trust in others, we first have to Trust ourselves. And if we don’t understand our own Shadow side, we won’t truly know ourselves. And neither will we be prepared to handle the truth of the Shadow in other people.

Carl Jung was the first to describe the psychological aspects of the Shadow.  He gave this name to those portions of ourselves where we hide the things we refuse to own up to. Each of us has parts we repress, disdain or refuse to accept and Love about ourselves.  Jung asked a great question, “Would you rather be whole or be good?’  Working on the Shadow is about becoming whole, even wholesome, by discovering and transcending the dark side of the ego personality.

Try to identify some of your own ‘bad, naughty, petulant’ parts this month. It’s not easy to love All That Is, in others and yourself but doing this kind of work can transform faults and weaknesses into gifts and strengths. Facing your own Shadow takes Courage and dedication but the rewards are so precious, it’s worth it.

Robert Bly calls the Shadow that ‘long bag we drag behind us’. His Little Book on the Human Shadow, is a great resource for men in particular. Bly did a lot of work with the male aspects of the Shadow during the days of the men’s movement.  Linda S. Leonard is a good resource for female Shadow work. Her book The Wounded Woman ought to be required reading for every successful, professional woman who reaches that dark, low point, when comprehending the psychological cost of ’making it’ in a male dominated society can save her life, literally. Both sexes ought to read about each others’ Shadows for we tend to project upon the other what we don’t want to deal with. A fine book for couples would be Romancing the Shadow, a collaboration between psychologists Connie Zweig and Steven Wolf.

Those times we feel drained, depressed and unappreciated are often signals that we need to come to terms with some aspect of our Shadow selves. Dragging heavy, unexamined parts around can weigh you down and sap your spirit. Dealing with this ‘excess baggage,’ will give you more energy.

There’s a saying, ‘Our greatest Power comes from our deepest wound.’  Facing your Shadow may be the secret to finding your true Power in life. 

Those born under this Law (July 21 to August 21 approximately) carry the Shadow for a lifetime. Also known as Leos, these ’fire in the Heart’ people were born in Summer when the Sun’s light was brightest. This is a heavy Law to carry, but these individuals have been endowed with enough spiritual light to accomplish the task. Many don’t know this. They often cast a Shadow themselves, as they tend to have larger-than-life egos and personalities.

Madonna, Martha Stewart and Jennifer Lopez are Shadow carriers. They tend to bring out the Shadow of envy or jealousy in other people, who may react to their Power without understanding it. Ideally, instead of acting imperiously, their Shadow work might teach them to elevate others.  

The Law which balances Shadow on the Wisdom Wheel is the Law of Purification. By bringing the Shadow parts to light, they can be purified. Then they will no longer fester and sabotage you. When we refuse to be inhibited, we have more energy, exuberance and Creativity, so bring some light to your Shadow aspects this month. 

Each time I hesitate to disclose something in my online Journal entries, for fear that someone might judge me, I know it’s the Shadow at work, mine own and the Shadow of society, influencing everyone else.

As you carry the Law of the Shadow this month some unpleasant things might turn up, about others and yourself so go gently. Get to bed earlier and try to remember your dreams.  What are you most afraid of? The Shadow has something to do with all our shared fears. 

Many Blessings, Malcolm and Cynthia Davidson

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