Day 31 Tue January 31 2000db Law_of_Introduction_North_Week

It is an immature concept to think of prayer for personal gain.  It takes from one the responsibility of the conditions of one’s life.  Everything in creation is based on universal laws. Cause and effect work perfectly in accordance with these laws. Yet mankind attempts to escape the hurt brought on by his disobedience to higher law by praying to God to violate His own laws… Cheryl Canfield

Daily Guidance:

On the Journey round the Wisdom Wheel you will be introduced to all kinds of people who understand the concept of Univeral Laws, some implicitly, some explicitly like Cheryl Canfield.

Cynthia's Journal:

Because the North side of the Wheel is about Spirit, it is also about prayer, of all kinds, all faiths and traditions.  The Wheel has been called ‘the Gathering In Circle’ all prayers are welcomed.

As you learn to apply Universal Laws on your Journey around the Wisdom Wheel, you will meet others who consciously live by them. 

Many years ago Cheryl received a ‘death sentence’ in the form of an advanced cancer diagnosis.  The miracle of her healing involved mind, heart and soul as well as her body as she explains in her book Profound Healing. (

Cheryl’s Journey was deeply influenced by her long association with Peace Pilgrim, a modern day, nondenominational saint who gave up her name, her home and everything but the clothes on her back, to walk her prayer for peace.  She simply vowed to "remain a wanderer until mankind has learned the way of peace, walking until given shelter and fasting until given food."  She said, I can truthfully tell you that without ever asking for anything, I have been supplied with everything needed for my journey, which shows you how good people really are.

After she passed the 25,000 mark she stopped counting the miles but continued walking for 28 years, from 1953 until 1981, when she was killed by an automobile.  Friends continue her work, and walks, as you can see at

Her message,

This is the way of peace.
Overcome evil with good,
Falsehood with truth,
And hatred with love.

Here are some excerpts from a KPFK radio talk she gave in Los Angeles ;

I believe that the situation in the world is a reflection of our own immaturity. If we were mature, harmonious people, war would be no problem.

These laws are the same for all of us, and these are the things that we can study and talk about together. The laws which govern this universe work for good as soon as we obey them, and anything contrary to these laws doesn't last long. It contains within itself the seeds of its own destruction.

The good in every human life always makes it possible for us to obey these laws. We do have free will about all this, and therefore how soon we obey and thereby find harmony, both within ourselves and within our world, is up to us.

Tomorrow you will learn about a few more of these Laws.

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