Day 23 Mon January 23 2000db Law_of_Introduction_West_Week

Humans are tuned for relationship. The eyes, the skin, the tongue, ears, nostrils – all are gates where our body receives the nourishment of otherness.

David Abram, The Spell of the Sensuous  

Daily Guidance:

The West side of Wheel represents many aspects of physical reality, from the body of the world to the world of the human body. Today we'll focus on the sensuous dimension on the Wheel. If one of our senses is impaired, our relationship to the physical world is greatly affected.

Cynthia's Journal:

The Western quadrant represents physicality and all its gifts. As spirits inhabiting bodies we have five senses to help us enjoy the physical world and intepret the different aspects of tangible reality. Without eyes or ears, we would have very different experiences in the world.


These marvelous capacities bring us our firsthand sensations with pleasure as well as pain. Having a physical body is like having an intellect, both come with limits we must learn about. The West is also the place of Healers and healing but a physical cure may or may not bring healing to the heart, mind and spirit. Balance is necessary in all quadrants.

The West side of the Wheel also represents the less tangible sixth sense, intuition.  ‘Gut feelings’ are full of information. A well-educated gut is a good defense against many dangers in the psychic as well as the physical universe.  Often the mind can’t compute fast enough, or decisively enough, and so intuition, instinct and adrenalin take over. 

The body is an antenna, constantly picking up signals of all kinds.  Most are processed automatically, while others require thoughtful interpretation and the Wheel helps put these prompts into perspective.  To stay alive, and stay healthy, all our senses need to remain well-tuned.  What we don’t use, we lose.  Exercise should consciously include the entire body, not just the physical muscles. 

As you travel the Wheel, you'll learn a lot more about the wisdom of the body and our capacity for adaptation. It has ensured the survival of the human species, but as we grow increasingly isolated from the environment, in our modern cocoons and comforts, we risk losing touch with Nature and the informing experiences it provides.  The Wheel will increase your Awareness about overall health, of the human body and our physical environment. It strenthens the interrelationship between these two.

Medicine people understand the essential reciprocity in the circle of life as defined by the Wheel. The means for recombining the complimentary medicines of the seasons, elements, plants, animals, stones and stories in ceremonies that honor the Earth and Creator and restore wellness to all concerned.  The wisdom of the Wheels and the ancient ritual can return us to health and wholeness because they involve all parts.  Reducing what we have too much of (like stress) and restoring what we have too little of (like peace and quiet) helps to Balance each part in relation to everything else. 

The stubborn mind

The aching heart

The tired body

The unattended spirit

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