Day 21 Sat January 21 2000db Law_of_Introduction_West_Week

You have a purpose only as long as you are not complete; until then, completeness... But once you are complete in yourself, fully integrated within and without, then you enjoy the universe; you do not labor at it


Daily Guidance:

The West side of the Wisdom Wheel is anchored by the Law of Higher Purpose. Surveys show that only 5% of Americans believe they are living out their sense of Higher Purpose. As we travel round the Wheel of Life, we pass through the opportunities represented by the Four Directions. Each quadrant offer us the example of another major archetype. These can help us understand the unfolding purpose in our lives over time.

Cynthia's Journal:

Purpose gives us a sense of usefulness and belonging. To find our Purpose we need to know what Direction we are headed in. Finding our path helps us find our place and our fulfillment. The Wisdom Wheel provides basic indications about life's purpose and Direction. Like a compass you can consult it to help align your energy and your opportunities. Both long and short term goals can be included when looking for answers to questions like these;

What's the best thing to focus on this year?

What are my natural gifts?

Which career would be best for me?

The Wheel turns and life's priorities shift quite predictably. There is a time-honored schedule represented on the Wheel. Every three years the life force carries us along to a different position. Our energy shifts as our perspective changes. Expecting this and being ready for it can make all the difference to our decisions and Commitments. The Wheel reveals the timeline and the types of opportunities so we can respond appropriately to what each quadrant symbolizes.

East is the place of Warriors, a good time to engage your fighting spirit, in worthy causes, for example

South is the place of Teachers, emotions and Children, a favorable time to make those things your priorities

West is the place of Healers, the Earth and going within, not a good time to take on the outside world

North is the place of Visionaries, Elders and integrating wisdom, favorable for spiritual pursuits and reflection

There are many other things to factor in about Higher Purpose; the Birth Law (described last week), the element, available Choices, inherent skills. It takes a long time to learn the Wheel well enough to apply it wisely. How long does it take to become an engineer? CircleKeepers devote themselves to the study of the Wheel for many years, just as lawyers and doctors need time to master their crafts.

To understand the complexity of the Wheel you must live by its wisdom. Constant application is the only way to test it completely and master the lessons it teaches. In the end, we discover that life's wisdom masters us. We may start out asking the question, what is our Higher Purpose? But ultimately we find we've answered a calling. What we wanted to do merges with what the world needs done. What did life offer us? And what did we give back? Higher Purpose unfolds over a lifetime, and maybe more than one lifetime.

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