Wisdom Wheel Law of Purification Book Selections:
Title of Book
1.   Sai Baba Phyllis Krystal
2.   paper Dr. Ruth Stein
3.   Gods In Everyman Jean Shinoda Bolen
4.   Goddesses in Everywoman Jean Shinoda Bolen
5.   Structural Yoga Therapy Mukunda Stiles
6.   The Heart of Yoga T. K.V. Desikachar
7.   Frances S
8.   Will there really be a morning Jean Ratcliffe
9.   The Portable Voltaire François-Marie Arouet aka Voltaire
10. Voltaire Almighty Roger Pearson
11. Self Purification J. S. Davidson
12. Yoga Of Purification And Transformation Rudra Shivananda
13. Emotional Yoga Bija Bennett
14. Purification of the Heart Hamza Yusuf
15. The Purification Plan Peter Bennett
16. The Detox Book Bruce Fife
17. Swallowing the River Ganges Matthew Flickstein
18. The Path of Purification Bhadantacariya Buddhaghosa
19. The Trees and Fields Went the Other Way Evelyn Eaton
20. I Send a Voice Evelyn Eaton
21. The Shaman and the Medicine Wheel Evelyn Eaton
22. Emotional Purity Heather Arnel Paulsen
23. Ender's Game Orson Scott Card
24. Flight into Freedom Eileen Caddy
25. God Spoke to Me Eileen Caddy
26. The True Power of Water Masaru Emoto
27. The Hidden Messages in Water Masaru Emoto
28. Tractatus Logico Philosophicus Ludwig Wittgenstein
29. Ludwig Wittgenstein Ray Monk
30. Philosophical Investigations Ludwig Wittgenstein
31. In Love With Daylight Wilfrid Sheed
32. Critique of Pure Reason Baruch Spinoza and Immanuel Kant
33. Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Kant and the Critique of Pure Reason Sebastian Gardner
34. Anxious Intellects John Michael
35. Purity of Heart Soren Kierkegaard
36. Clear Body, Clear Mind: The Effective Purification Program L. Ron Hubbard
37. Extreme Spirituality Tolly Burkan and Andrew Weil
38. The Secret of the Soul William L. Buhlman
39. Hands of Life Julie Motz
40. Under the Volcano Malcolm Lowry
41. Joy before Night Terry Eaton
42. The Most Famous Man in America Debby Applegate
43. Many Things in Few Words Charles C. Colton
44. Selected Writings Of Ralph Waldo Emerson Ralph Waldo Emerson
45. Knowing Woman Irene Claremont de Castillejo
46. The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Barbara Robinson
47. We Are All Healers Hugh Lynn Cayce & Sally Hammond
48. Shine Forth William Meader
49. Spiritual Dialogues on Purgation and Purgatory
50. Everyman's Talmud Abraham Cohen
51. The Seven Deadly Sins Solomon Schimmel
52. Spinoza Benedictus de Spinoza
53. The Essential Spinoza Michael L. Morgan
54. Immortal Light Swami Amar Jyoti
55. Spirit of Himalaya Swami Amar Jyoti
56. The Art of Living Epictetus and Sharon Lebell Epictetus
57. Bible History Alfred Edersheim
58. I and Thou Martin BuberS
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