Welcome to the Wisdom Wheel Law of Clarity # 19

We recognize Clarity the instant we see it. The great seers and sages could see clearly because they had insight.  Their secret was their focus, inward, not outward.

Excerpted from the Wisdom Wheel Clarity card

Your Study Schedule for This Law

Full moon Sat October 07 2006 begin Week One – East quadrant – Mental, intellectual aspects
Last quarter Sat October 14 2006 begin Week Two – South quadrant – Emotional aspects

New moon Sun October 22 2006 begin Week Three – West quadrant – Physical and intuitive aspects

First quarter Sun October 29 2006 begin Week Four – North quadrant – Spiritual aspects

Next full moon Sun November 05 2006 begin next Law of Choices
Introduction to the Law of Clarity

Welcome to the Law of Clarity #19. It is worth noting that you arrive at the Law of Clarity in life at ages 18, 45, 72 and 99. This is after you have passed through the crucible of the West, the dark side of the Wheel also known as the Goes-Within-Place where dreams, intuition, Death & Rebirth and the Healers and the healings are, among other things.

Clarity is the first of the three Laws in northwest quadrant aka The Place of Affirmation on the medicine wheel. Choices and Renewal come next. The life tests during your passage through the West often bring a degree of Clarity, that helps you prepare to hold the Good Dream and become a good Elder when you reach the North side of the Wheel at age 48.

As you begin to study this Law consider how a lack of Clarity affects you or anyone else. Consider the quadrants;    

East - What muddles your mind?

South - What troubles your heart?

West - What dulls your senses?

North-  What prevents spiritual Clarity?

In your three year Journey around the Wisdom Wheel, you have now reached the Place of Affirmation.  What has been affirmed since you set out more than a year and a half ago?  You are at the halfway point.

Notice what Law balances the Law of ClarityBeauty. We don’t see the Beauty in life when we lose our Clarity. Clarity is the Birth Law of all the Scorpios. Their element is water in Auturmn. Think about the Scorpio people you know.  What kind of Clarity do they seem to have or to lack? How do they relate to Beauty?

Fog is a good metaphor for the lack of Clarity. When there is too much Water in the Air we can’t see clearly. These elements belong on the North/South axis. Water is represented in the South, the place of the heart. Wind, breath, Air and spirit belong in the North. Symbolically, too much emotion (water) can create an imbalance in a person and weigh them down or make them ‘wishy washy’ and indecisive.

This is one way to take a metaphysical lesson from observing the physical interactions of elements and their corresponding human aspects for instance. When a person is in a fog, we might say they’re doubtful, depressed, uncertain or tearful. Just as too much Water in the Air reduces visibility and makes fires hard to start, it renders people less efficient too.

In situations like this, what can you do to restore Balance and return to Clarity? The Wheel clearly represents the pattern of wholeness. To counter too much Water, you bring in more Fire (intellect), Wind (spirit) and Earth (physicality). The Sweat Lodge ceremony includes all the elements, and helps people restore their sense of Balance. As things return to their proper places and proportions; mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually, it is easier to return to the grounding center of your Self. This also brings greater Clarity.

Resonant frequency also relates to Clarity. When a person is unclear, it’s difficult for them to tune in to or receive additional information, especially the kind that travels at a higher speed or vibration. If we’re preoccupied with fears about survival, we are dealing with denser, heavier vibrations. Asking for Clarity is like tuning into another frequency with different information. Think of the stations on the radio dial, and how you make your Choices about what to listen to. Skimming a newspaper is not like reading (or writing) a love letter. You bring varying levels of attention to each task.

Wisdom requires the Clarity of your full attention. Because it is whole knowledge, the whole Self must be present to receive it, not just the eyes and the brain. Imagine your Self as a crystal with each side clear and highly polished. This permits crystal clear reception and transmission.     

Sometimes our illusions are shattered by new information and experiences. This allows new patterns to form, as if the pulsing atoms exploded into another orbit. If you could hold a high note long enough, your voice could shatter a glass, likewise a higher vibration can bring greater Clarity after a crisis.  We finally open and let the Light in, accepting our ability to resonate at a higher frequency and make positive changes.

Think about your need for Clarity as you carry this Law. What part(s) need polishing, cleansing or shattering?  Are you ready to welcome greater Clarity? 

Many blessings, Malcolm & Cynthia Davidson

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