Welcome to the Wisdom Wheel Law of Forgiveness # 18

Forgiveness  It is often the hardest thing we’ll ever do, and sometimes it is the only choice we have.  Forgive with your whole heart…this Power does not come from your head.

Excerpted from the Wisdom Wheel Forgiveness card

Your Study Schedule for This Law

Full moon Thu September 07 2006 begin Week One – East quadrant – Mental, intellectual aspects
Last quarter Thu September 14 2006 begin Week Two – South quadrant – Emotional aspects

New moon Fri September 22 2006 begin Week Three – West quadrant – Physical and intuitive aspects

First quarter Sat September 30 2006 begin Week Four – North quadrant – Spiritual aspects

Next full moon Sat October 07 2006 begin next Law of Clarity
Introduction to the Law of Forgiveness

It’s time to take up Law #18, and carry it round the Wheel, to study the intellectual, emotional, physical/intuitive and spiritual aspects of Forgiveness. Last month’s Law covered both inner and outer aspects of the Journey, and on the road of life, we’re given plenty of opportunities to practice the principles of the Law of Forgiveness.

This is the last of the three Laws grouped in the southwest quadrant of the Wheel, the place of Sacred Dreams and Experiences. Think about the intertwining lessons of the Shadow, Journey and Forgiveness Laws, and why they belong together. These issues are priorities when we transit this side of the Wheel of Life at ages; 12-14, 39-41, 66-68 and 93-95.

What good is the Journey if we don’t learn how to forgive and be forgiven? Some say the ‘attitude of gratitude’ is the secret to Forgiveness. Have you given it more than one try? Which approach works for you?  

Here is a passage from the Christian Lords’ Prayer; ‘Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.’ Now compare it to an updated version; ‘You are given this day your daily bread, and you are forgiven your debts, and your trespasses, exactly to the degree that you have forgiven those who trespass against you.

This comes from Neale Donald Walsh’s Book #3 in the Conversations with God series.   ( For more information about techniques for having a ‘Conversation with God’ yourself, check out Barbara Rose's book, If God Hears Me, I Want an Answer!)

Walsh took a lot of heat for writing about the need to forgive Hitler, and others like him, in this book. Neale himself needed a lot of Forgiveness, as you’ll see if you read his painfully honest (later) book Friendship with God. There he mentions his struggles with sexuality and the children he fathered out of wedlock. Maybe firsthand knowledge of this Law is required for being an eloquent spokesperson on the subject.

Always be on the lookout for individuals whose life work illustrates the lessons of any particular Law. Sometimes these happen to be their Birth Laws, or the Law that balances their Birth Law. Walsh was born September 10, 1943 , so his Birth Law is the Journey. Those born under the sign of Libra Sept. 21-October 21 (approximately) carry the Forgiveness Birth Law.  Mahatma Gandhi, born October 2, 1869 , is one example.

This month try writing down two experiences you’ve had with Forgiveness; one when you’ve offered Forgiveness, the other when you’ve received it. If you’d like to share these, please enter them in the Forgiveness blog. (Links to all Law blogs are on the bottom of every Daily Email page.)

What do you consider to be absolutely unforgivable? Why? Which quadrant of the Wheel does the offense fall into? Who do you need to forgive? Why do you withhold your Forgiveness? Does the other person know what you waiting for? Whose Forgiveness would you like to receive?

Several years ago I had a very vivid dream about a man I once loved very dearly. His spirit had come to ask for my Forgiveness. Ours was an unrequited love affair. He made this request with such great sincerity, I was happy to grant him his wish.

I awoke with a certainty that he is deeply involved in spiritual studies, probably of the Muslim mystical Sufi tradition, since he’s from Saudi Arabia .

His dream visit via his spirit reminded me that the adherents of many religions are advised to seek Forgiveness, and to clean up their relationship karma as part of their practice. We purify our spirits when we cleanse ourselves from hatreds and resentments, whether they’re aimed at us or coming from us. How else could we become vessels for the pure Light of spirit?

If we want health and wholeness, we must clean up our act. Even in cases where we’ve done nothing intentional to hurt someone, if they’ve felt wounded, we ought to respond. If we can’t do it in person, we can aim to do it deliberately in our dreams.  

If we really want peace, we must heal the world, starting with our interpersonal relationships. This is how we can mend the fabric of Sacred Oneness, one person at a time. Wherever feelings of separation, rejection, physical pain or psychic pain remain, whether from guilt or shame and the many aspects of the Shadow exist, we’re the best ones to do the work if we were involved.

As Brugh Joy, former medical doctor writes in Joys Way;

When you can forgive both another and yourself… you move from the law of karma (action and reaction) into the law of grace (resolution) – that effulgent state that transmutes and heals.

Enjoy the grace that comes from putting this Law into practice this month.

Many blessings, 

Malcolm and Cynthia Davidson

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