Day 08 Sun January 08 2000db Law_of_Introduction_East_Week

The headlong plunge into the mental and intellectual – into technology and heartless problem-solving…The power of the mind becomes authoritarian and punishing when we lose the Balance with the female side, of Nature…  The ego-driven, vertical power structure has brought us to the brink of extinction. But real power isn’t vertical, it’s horizontal…unless you’ve forgotten the power within… We have to reestablish our connection to the original JOY... We have to look in the right place. We all know this on some deeper level but don’t pay attention to it. The state we’re in now: sex is death, food is poison, the water’s no good, the air is ruined. We must all do something or continue to suffer the consequences.          

Janine Pommy Vega, American poet b. 1942, Tracking the Serpent

Daily Guidance:

Lunar weeks vary in length from six to nine days. Since it is impossible to reconcile the lunar calendar and the Gregorian one we have created enough entries to fill seven days per quadrant in any study cycle. The eighth day will not introduce new information, in case that entry does not run, so this is a recap about what was covered during this first introductory week.

Cynthia's Journal

You learned a little about the ancient Wheels and the newer Wisdom Wheel, developed by Cynthia Davidson in 1994. It is the first Wheel to combine the study of Universal Laws with the old teachings of the Wheels. 

You’ve been introduced to the first eight Laws and seen how they are studied, by carrying them around the Wheel in a 28 day cycle to absorb knowledge from all four quadrants.

You know how to examine something now from all sides of the Wheel and to incorporate the various perspectives of each Direction.

You’ve had some experience with receiving a daily email.  Have you gotten used to this page a day method? Would you like to continue learning this way?

Do you have a favorite Law so far?

What’s been the easiest thing about using this method? The hardest thing?

Anything you’d like to improve or change about the way this is working?

Please let us know if there is anything you don’t understand.  We will go around the Wisdom Wheel 36 more times during the course of the 1,000 Day Journey Around the Wisdom Wheel as each of the 36 Universal Laws is studied.  This will give you ample time to absorb all the layers of information and experience.

If you're feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment, because this is so different, and has so many dimensions, don't worry. Most people feel overwhelmed by the complexity of the Wheel when they begin. Over time however, you'll acquire a valuable ability to recognize universal patterns and to organize complicated knowlege into wisdom that can be applied in all kinds of situations.

Traditionally the wisdom of the Wheels was passed down orally from teacher to student, using rote and repetition, long before the printing press was invented.  In those days you couldn't skim through a book and jump ahead. You had to proved you'd mastered one level before you were allowed to go to the next one. As we go forward around the Wheel, you'll be introduced to many more layers of information. By now we hope you've grasped how these levels of wisdom will be revealed.

Have you signed up for the rest of the tour yet?

Remember, the first Law is Balance. The in-depth study of it will begin on the next full moon, approximately three weeks from now. Tomorrow the second week of the Introductory month begins.

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